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Month: July 2021

Can we get back to being the UK now?

I quite admire Gareth Southgate and his team. They strike me as decent, hardworking, and honest; rare commodities in a world where liars rule the roost. So, I’ve warmed to them despite them not being my team. They are the good guys, of that there is no doubt.

Being a dispassionate observer over the other side of Offa’s Dyke allowed me to see them without the obligatory rose-tinted specs donned by just about everyone in England. I commented before last night’s game I thought Italy would win and do so quite comfortably. They are a much more experienced team, led by a manager who dwarfs Southgate in terms of tactical nouse. As it turned out, the score sheet was not as one sided as I thought it might be, finishing at 1-1 after extra time, with Italy’s triumph only being secured in a dramatic penalty shoot out in which they initially fell behind.